World's 1st wide ECU memory access adapter!


EGR deletes, wide support of 2014+ trucks and CE machines, support of engines with ePRV delete kits installed and much-much more!

VLOMINGO top and side view


HamCom Electronics and DrunkLab Deliver Industry-Leading VLOMINGO Tuning Adapters.

VLOMINGO position on the ECU

HamCom Electronics and DrunkLab Deliver Industry-Leading VLOMINGO Adapter.

A collaboration between HamCom Electronics LLC and DrunkLab LLC has brought forth pioneering advancements in vehicle technology. The two companies, known for their innovation and commitment to providing top-tier automotive solutions, have recently launched two high-performance devices: VLOMINGO Tuning Adapters and VILKUS-62 DPF/SCR-off emulators as well. Available exclusively at the DrunkLab Store, these products are making waves in the industry. The VLOMINGO is a unique coming as additional device to your existing RP1210 adapter.

VLOMINGO is just a tool to fix your issues. The second part of magic is Mochester 4 platform maintained by DrunkLab and Mochester 4 services provided using VLOMINGO.

The unique adapter for trucks and heavy equipment


We have made sure that your truck does not cause you any trouble!


DEF/AdBlue gauge lift up option

Exclusive offer: Our DPF/SCR/DEF/EGR delete services become better with “gauge erection” solution by DrunkLab. This means that the exhaust fluid level indicator will not lie dead in the Empty state, and will not always be set to the level of a Full tank as well.

VLOMINGO is a smart ECU Harness. Just like regular bench harness, but with some magic inside.

Remote programming options used to be impossible through OBD port will come true with this harness: EGR deletes, wide support of 2014+ trucks and CE machines, support of engines with ePRV delete kits installed and much-much more!

Can be used in both ways: on the bench or on the engine (truck/machine). Works with any RP1210 adapter.

Supported ECM: TRW EMS 2.3 and TRW EMS 2.4

What’s in the box?


Exclusive offer: Free hardware, free shipping! You pay for software part only!

In the kit: VLOMINGO Adapter, VLOMINGO UNO Cable, AC Adapter, Cigarette lighter power cable, Power cable with battery alligator clips.

VLOMINGO adapter box contents

VLOMINGO Connection

VLOMINGO adapter works only with Mochester 4 app

Connection: Connect VLOMINGO to UNO cable. UNO cable is used to interact with RP1210 adapter through OBD and to power up VLOMINGO and ECU as well. There are three power cables in the box.

Connect your VLOMINGO to the RP1210 adapter and power it using UNO cable


VLOMINGO adapter works only with Mochester 4 app

Detailed VLOMINGO connection and tuning wizard


Frequently Asked Questions

It is an additional adapter for your existing PR1210 adapter. It is connected to the ECU to have wider memory access.

Yes, DPF / SCR / EGR delete tuning is possible. But some issues cannot be resolved without VLOMINGO, because it can access almost al the ECU memory. No other adapter can do this.

Sorry, but no. VLOMINGO is just an adapter. You should buy remote tuning services for VLOMINGO to fix your issues.

Just register at DrunkLab Store, top up the wallet and place VLOMINGO adapter into your cart and proceed to checkout.

Every DrunkLab Store customer is invited to our loyalty program with a maximum discount - 30%.

We ship worldwide. Shipping is free!

Register form

About DrunkLab

Welcome to DrunkLab online store

This store has been founded in 2014 by DrunkLab Team members with participation of HamCom Electronics Ltd.

Here you can:

  • Tune your Volvo or MACK trucks (after 2014) with the newest tool Mochester 4. It is really cool and allows you to make vehicle upgrades by yourself, but with full assistance of our qualified engineers.
  • Buy VLOMINGO device directly from the manufacturer with full after-sales support.
  • Tune your Volvo or MACK trucks (before 2014) with DrunkLab engineer assistance through TeamViewer.

When running our Mochester 4 app, you can be sure that you’re dealing with DrunkLab specialists. No 3rd party access is allowed.

See the quote from our manifest below:

  • We never sell Mochester backend modules to anybody. We have full control over any operation in the app.
  • We're not software pirates, sales of cracked PC software is not a scope of our business.
  • We sell hardware and tuning services without any unauthorized usage of patented 3rd party technologies.

Buying our products here guarantees that your payments come directly to developers team, and you get technical support directly from developers. The shortest chain – the best choice, isn’t it?

Dear friends! On behalf of DrunkLab I would like to give thanks to all current and new customers and dealers. Your interest to our products keeps this project running and developing. We promise to do our best for customer satisfaction. It’s our pleasure to make new quality products and services for you.

Unlike other projects on the market, we don’t hide our personal information under the nicknames, and we’re always open for cooperation in interesting projects.

Sincerely yours,

Ilia A. Zolotkov,

Captain of DrunkLab Team

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: October 01, 2023

This policy explains what information we collect when you use DrunkLab’s sites (based at vlomingo.com, vilkus-62.com dl.ge, drunklab.com, drunklabstore.com and it’s sub-domains *.dl.ge, *.drunklab.com, *.drunklabstore.com), services, products, and content (“Services”). It also has information about how we store, use, transfer, and delete that information.

Information We Collect & How We Use It

DrunkLab doesn’t make money from ads. So we don’t collect data in order to advertise to you. The tracking we do at DrunkLab is to make our product work as well as possible. So, to give you the best possible experience in using DrunkLab, we collect information from your interactions with our Services. Some of this information, you actively tell us (such as your email address, which we use to track your account or communicate with you). Other information, we collect based on actions you take while using DrunkLab, such as what pages you view (including how much of a given page and for how long) and your use of product features (like button click and etc.). This information includes records of those interactions, your Internet Protocol address, information about your device (such as device or browser type), and referral information (how you got to a particular page).

We use this information to:

  • provide, test, improve, promote and personalize the Services;
  • fight spam and other forms of abuse;
  • generate aggregate, non-identifying information about how people use the Services.

When you create your DrunkLab account, and authenticate with a third-party service (like Twitter, Facebook, Apple or Google) we may collect, store, and periodically update information associated with that third-party account, such as your lists of friends or followers. We will never publish something through one of your third-party accounts without your express permission.

Information Disclosure

DrunkLab won’t transfer information about you to third parties for the purpose of providing or facilitating third-party advertising to you. We won’t sell information about you to a third-party.

We may transfer your account information with third parties in some circumstances, including: (1) with your consent; (2) to a service provider or partner who meets our data protection standards; (3) with academic or non-profit researchers, with aggregation, anonymization, or pseudonymization; (4) when we have a good faith belief it is required by law, such as pursuant to a subpoena or other legal process; (5) when we have a good faith belief that doing so will help prevent imminent harm to someone.

If we are going to share your information in response to legal process, we’ll give you notice, so you can challenge it (for example by seeking court intervention), unless we’re prohibited by law or believe doing so may endanger others or cause illegal conduct. We will object to legal requests for information about users of our services that we believe are improper.

Public Data

Search engines may index your DrunkLab user profile page, public interactions and post pages, such that people may find these pages when searching against your name on services like Google, Yandex or Bing. Users may also share links to your content on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.

Data Storage

DrunkLab uses third-party vendors and hosting partners, such as Amazon, OVH, Digital Ocean, Hetzner, for hardware, software, networking, storage, and related technology we need to run DrunkLab. By using the Services, you authorize DrunkLab to transfer, store, and use your information in the Germany, France, Poland, Netherland, Finland and any other country where we operate.

Third-Party Embeds

Some of the content that you see displayed on DrunkLab is not hosted by DrunkLab. These “embeds” are hosted by a third-party and embedded in a DrunkLab page, so that it appears to be part of that page. For example: YouTube videos, Imgur or Giphy gifs, Twitter tweets or some images. These files send data to the hosted site just as if you were visiting that site directly (for example, when you load a DrunkLab blog post page with a YouTube video embedded in it, that video appears because of a pointer to files hosted by YouTube, and in turn YouTube receives data about your activity, such as your IP address and how much of the video you watch).

DrunkLab doesn’t control what data third parties collect in cases like this, or what they ultimately do with it. So, third-party embeds on DrunkLab are not covered by this Privacy Policy. They are covered by the privacy policy of the third-party service (so, when you watch a YouTube video embedded in a DrunkLab blog post, the use of data about your interactions with the video would be covered by YouTube’s privacy policy).

Please be careful when you see embedded forms on DrunkLab asking for your email address or any other personal information. Make sure you understand who you are submitting your information to and what they say they plan to do with it. We suggest that you do not submit your email address or other personal information to any third-party through an embedded form.

When posting on DrunkLab, you may not embed a form that allows submission of personal information by users. You must link offsite to a page that allows such submissions by users, and that page’s appearance must be distinct enough from DrunkLab to ensure it does not cause confusion among users over to whom they are submitting personal information. Failure to do so may lead DrunkLab to disable the post or take other action to limit or disable your account.

Tracking & Cookies

We use browser cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you return to our Services. We use them in various ways, for example to log you in, remember your preferences (such as default language), evaluate email effectiveness, allow our paywall and meter to function, and personalize content and other services. Without cookies, our metered paywall would not work, so they are necessary to DrunkLab’s basic functionality.

DrunkLab saves data about the URLs you visit on DrunkLab, but we do not otherwise track your visits or activities off DrunkLab Services. We track your interactions within the DrunkLab Services (which encompasses vlomingo.com, vilkus-62.com, dl.ge, drunklab.com, drunklabstore.com, and custom domains hosted by DrunkLab).

Some third-party services that we use to provide the Service, such as Google Analytics, may place their own cookies in your browser. This Privacy Policy covers use of cookies by DrunkLab only and not the use of cookies by third parties.

Modifying or Deleting Your Personal Information

If you have a DrunkLab account and have any troubles modifying or deleting account details, please contact us [email protected].

To protect information from accidental or malicious destruction, we may maintain residual copies for a brief time period (generally several weeks). But, if you delete your account, your information and content will be unrecoverable after that time. DrunkLab may preserve and maintain copies of your information beyond this time period when required to do so by law.

Data Security

We use encryption (HTTPS/TLS) to protect data transmitted to and from our site. However, no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure, so we can’t guarantee security. You use the Service at your own risk, and you’re responsible for taking reasonable measures to secure your account.

Email from DrunkLab

Sometimes we’ll send you emails about your account, service changes or new policies. You can’t opt out of this type of “transactional” email (unless you delete your account).

When you interact with an email sent from DrunkLab (such as opening an email or clicking on a particular link in an email), we may receive information about that interaction.

We won’t email you to ask for your password or other account information. If you receive such an email, please forward it to us at [email protected] so we can investigate.

Changes to this Policy

DrunkLab may periodically update this Policy. We’ll notify you about significant changes to it. The most current version of the policy will always be here https://dl.ge/privacy-policy/.


We welcome feedback about this policy at [email protected].

Data Protection Statement for European Union Users

Description of Processing Activity

DrunkLab collects and stores personal information about its users to customize their reading experience and enable personalized distribution of content. It shares minimal data with its service providers.

Purposes of Processing

  • Provide, test, promote, and improve the Services;
  • Gather usage statistics of services;
  • Provide customized reading experience;
  • Publish and distribute user-generated content;
  • Fight spam, fraud, and other abuse of services.

Legal Bases

Where DrunkLab collects and stores personal data about non-users mentioned in user-generated content, it does so under performance of contract obligations to users who use the Services to publish content on websites hosted by DrunkLab. In such cases, users authoring such user-generated content containing personal data of third parties are responsible for that content. DrunkLab will consider related complaints in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation’s rights of the data subject, as well as rights of expression and access to information.

Public Nature of Personal Data

Logged-in users may choose to interact publicly with the Services in the form of clapping for a post, sharing links on connected social media accounts, or writing original posts. Where such personal data may reveal special category protected data, it is processed on the basis that it is manifestly made public by the user. Additional information on potential consequences of such processing can be found below. If you do not agree to this public usage, do not create an account or use these features of the Services.

Search engines may index your DrunkLab user profile page, public interactions (such as claps or highlights), and post pages. Users may also share links to your content on social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.

Categories of Personal Data Collected

Logged out users:

  • IP address;
  • Browser information.

DrunkLab is hosted in EU. By using the Services, you authorize DrunkLab to transfer, store, and use your information in the EU and any other country where we operate. Where your data is disclosed to our processors, it is subject by contract to at least the same level of data protection as that set out in this statement.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can contact us at [email protected].

California Consumer Privacy Act Disclosures

Beginning January 1, 2020, the CCPA gives you certain rights with respect to the processing of your personal data (known as “personal information,” as described in the CCPA).

This section provides additional privacy disclosures and informs you of key additional rights as a California resident:

Right to Know Request

Under the CCPA, you have a right to request information about our collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information over the prior 12 months, and ask that we provide you with the following information:

  1. Categories of and specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.
  2. Categories of sources from which we collect personal information.
  3. Purposes for collecting, using, or selling personal information.
  4. Categories of third parties with which we share personal information.
  5. Categories of personal information disclosed about you for a business purpose.
  6. If applicable, categories of personal information sold about you and the categories of third parties to which the personal information was sold, by category or categories of personal information for each third party to which the personal information was sold.

To make a verifiable request for information about the personal information we have collected about you, please email us at [email protected].

Right to Delete Request

Under the CCPA, you also have a right to request that we delete personal information, subject to certain exceptions. To delete all personal information linked to your DrunkLab account please email us at [email protected], be ready to identify your Right to manage account.

General Requests under CCPA

If you do not have a DrunkLab account, we will not have enough information about you to verify your Right to Know and Right to Delete requests since we do not keep sufficient information to reidentify and link you to a DrunkLab data. You may make a verifiable consumer request related to your personal information twice per 12-month period. We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of your rights under the CCPA.

Requests made through Agents

You may designate, in writing or through a power of attorney document, an authorized agent to make requests on your behalf to exercise your Rights. Before accepting such a request from an agent, we will require that the agent provide proof you have authorized them to act on your behalf, and we may need you to verify your identity directly with us.

Disclosures of Personal Information for a Business Purpose

DrunkLab may disclose certain data from the following categories of personal information to the categories of recipients listed above in the ‘Categories of Recipients’ for one or more business purposes:

Under the CCPA, a “sale” means providing to a third party personal information for valuable consideration. Since DrunkLab doesn’t make money from ads, we don’t collect data to facilitate nor enable third parties to advertise to you. At this time and pending final regulations and guidance interpreting the CCPA, we don’t believe any of our data practices constitute a “sale” under the CCPA.

Contact Us

You may contact us using messengers.